Channeling Beach Vibes with a Puka Shell Necklace

Puka shell necklaces have long been associated with a beachy, laid-back vibe that instantly transports you to a tropical paradise. These necklaces, made from small, natural shells found in the ocean, have become a popular accessory for both men and women. Whether you’re heading to the beach or simply want to add a touch of summer to your everyday look, puka shell necklaces are the perfect choice.

Key Takeaways

  • Puka shell necklaces have a timeless allure that is perfect for beachy style.
  • Puka shells have a rich history and cultural significance in many parts of the world.
  • When choosing a puka shell necklace, consider factors like size, color, and style.
  • Puka shell necklaces can be paired with a variety of outfits, from casual to dressy.
  • Crafting your own DIY puka shell necklace is a fun and easy way to personalize your beachy accessory.

The History of Puka Shells and Their Significance

Puka shells have a rich history and cultural significance. The word “puka” comes from the Hawaiian language and means “hole.” In ancient Hawaiian culture, puka shells were believed to bring good luck and protect wearers from harm. They were often used in traditional ceremonies and as offerings to the gods.

Puka shells gained popularity in Western fashion during the 1960s and 1970s when the laid-back, bohemian style became popular. Surfers and beachgoers started wearing puka shell necklaces as a way to connect with nature and embrace the carefree spirit of the beach. Since then, puka shell necklaces have become a staple accessory for those seeking a relaxed, beachy look.

How to Choose the Right Puka Shell Necklace for You

When choosing a puka shell necklace, there are a few factors to consider. First, think about the size of the shells. Smaller shells tend to give off a more delicate and feminine vibe, while larger shells make a bolder statement. Consider your personal style and how you want to incorporate the necklace into your wardrobe.

Next, consider the shape of the shells. Puka shells come in various shapes, including round, oval, and irregular. Round shells give off a classic and timeless look, while irregular shapes add an element of uniqueness and bohemian flair.

Lastly, consider the color of the shells. Puka shells can be found in their natural white color, but they can also be dyed in various shades. White shells are versatile and can be paired with any outfit, while colored shells add a pop of color and can be used to complement or contrast with your clothing.

Pairing Your Puka Shell Necklace with the Perfect Outfit

Puka shell necklaces can be styled in a variety of ways to suit different occasions and styles. For a casual beach day, pair your puka shell necklace with a flowy sundress or a simple tank top and shorts. Add a floppy hat and some sandals to complete the beachy look.

If you want to dress up your puka shell necklace for a night out, try layering it with other necklaces of different lengths and styles. Pair it with a maxi dress or a jumpsuit for an effortlessly chic look. Don’t be afraid to mix metals and materials to create a unique and personalized style.

For a bohemian-inspired look, pair your puka shell necklace with a peasant top, flared jeans, and some suede ankle boots. Add some feather earrings or a wide-brimmed hat to complete the free-spirited vibe.

DIY Puka Shell Necklaces: Crafting Your Own Beachy Accessory

If you’re feeling crafty, you can make your own puka shell necklace. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Gather your materials: You’ll need puka shells, jewelry wire or string, jump rings, and a clasp.

2. Measure your desired necklace length: Use a measuring tape to determine how long you want your necklace to be. Cut the jewelry wire or string to your desired length.

3. Attach the clasp: Using jump rings, attach one end of the clasp to one end of the wire or string.

4. String the puka shells: Thread the puka shells onto the wire or string, spacing them out evenly.

5. Secure the other end: Once you’ve strung all the shells, attach the other end of the clasp to the other end of the wire or string using jump rings.

6. Trim any excess wire or string: Use wire cutters or scissors to trim any excess wire or string.

7. Customize your necklace: If desired, you can add beads or charms between the puka shells to personalize your necklace.

How to Care for Your Puka Shell Necklace

To keep your puka shell necklace looking its best, it’s important to properly care for it. Here are some tips:

1. Avoid exposing your necklace to harsh chemicals, such as perfume or hairspray, as they can damage the shells.

2. Clean your necklace regularly by gently wiping it with a soft cloth or using a mild soap and water solution. Be sure to rinse it thoroughly and pat it dry with a clean cloth.

3. Store your necklace in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent discoloration and damage.

4. Avoid wearing your necklace while swimming or showering, as prolonged exposure to water can weaken the string or wire holding the shells together.

5. If your necklace breaks or becomes damaged, repair it as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Layering Your Puka Shell Necklace with Other Jewelry

Layering puka shell necklaces with other jewelry pieces can create a unique and stylish look. Here are some suggestions:

1. Mix metals: Pair your puka shell necklace with gold or silver chains of different lengths for a trendy and eclectic look.

2. Add some sparkle: Layer your puka shell necklace with a delicate diamond or gemstone pendant for a touch of elegance.

3. Play with textures: Combine your puka shell necklace with a chunky statement necklace or a beaded necklace for a boho-inspired look.

4. Experiment with lengths: Layer puka shell necklaces of different lengths to create a cascading effect. Start with a choker-length necklace and gradually add longer necklaces for a stylish and layered look.

Puka Shell Necklaces for Men: Masculine Beachy Style

Puka shell necklaces are not just for women – men can also embrace the beachy style with these accessories. For a masculine look, opt for larger shells and thicker cords or chains. Pair your puka shell necklace with a plain white t-shirt, board shorts, and flip flops for a casual beach day. To dress it up, layer your puka shell necklace with a leather cord necklace or a metal pendant necklace.

The Best Places to Wear Your Puka Shell Necklace

Puka shell necklaces are versatile and can be worn in various settings. Here are some suggestions:

1. Beach days: Puka shell necklaces are perfect for beach days, as they add a touch of beachy charm to your swimwear or cover-up.

2. Summer parties: Wear your puka shell necklace to summer parties or barbecues for a laid-back and stylish look.

3. Music festivals: Puka shell necklaces are a popular accessory at music festivals, as they add a bohemian flair to any outfit.

4. Casual outings: Wear your puka shell necklace on casual outings, such as brunch with friends or running errands, to add a touch of summer to your everyday look.

Embracing the Beachy Vibes with Puka Shells

In conclusion, puka shell necklaces have a long history and cultural significance that adds to their allure. Whether you choose to buy one or make your own, puka shell necklaces are a versatile accessory that can be styled in various ways to suit your personal style and the occasion. Embrace the beachy, laid-back vibes of puka shell necklaces and let them transport you to a tropical paradise, no matter where you are.

Looking for a trendy accessory that also supports a great cause? Check out this fascinating article on that explores the rise of puka shell necklaces as a symbol of empowerment and self-expression. Discover how these beautiful pieces of jewelry have become a statement of solidarity among women, breaking free from traditional gender norms. Dive into the world of puka shell necklaces and learn how they are redefining fashion and promoting inclusivity. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking read! Click here to explore the article in detail.


What is a puka shell necklace?

A puka shell necklace is a type of necklace made from small, white, cone-shaped shells that are found on beaches in Hawaii and other tropical locations.

What are puka shells?

Puka shells are small, white, cone-shaped shells that are found on beaches in Hawaii and other tropical locations. They are often used to make jewelry, including necklaces and bracelets.

How are puka shell necklaces made?

Puka shell necklaces are made by stringing together small, white, cone-shaped shells that are found on beaches in Hawaii and other tropical locations. The shells are typically strung on a piece of string or cord, and the necklace may be finished with a clasp or knot.

What is the history of puka shell necklaces?

Puka shell necklaces have been worn by surfers and beachgoers in Hawaii since the 1960s. The necklaces became popular in the United States in the 1970s and have remained a popular fashion accessory ever since.

What are the different types of puka shell necklaces?

There are many different types of puka shell necklaces, including single-strand necklaces, multi-strand necklaces, choker necklaces, and long necklaces. Some puka shell necklaces may also be adorned with other types of beads or charms.

How do you care for a puka shell necklace?

To care for a puka shell necklace, it is important to keep it dry and avoid exposing it to water or moisture. The necklace should also be stored in a cool, dry place when not in use. If the necklace becomes dirty, it can be gently cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap.